
North Central Illinois Pekingese Club

84th & 85th Specialties

Saturday, May 23, 2015 NCIPC Specialty 1 - RESULTS
Regular Classes: Carolyn Taylor
Sweepstakes: Chris Hann
Sunday, May 24, 2015 NCIPC Specialty 2 - RESULTS
Regular Classes: Debbie Campbell-Freeman  CRITIQUE
Sweepstakes: Nadine Hersil

Thanks for these Specialty photos!

 If you have a win photo you'd like to add, please email it to me - we'd like to have all winner photos on our website!!

WD/BOW Specialty 1
Wyn-D-Hill Wizard of Ahhhhs - Owner, Arlon D Duit & Mary Hoffman 

WB & BBY Specialty 1
Gadabout Godiva of Muhlin - Owner, Patricia G Metzger

RWD, BP & BISwps Specialty 1
Justlin's Great Sioux Dream - Owner, Patricia G Metzger & Raymundo W Lo

WD-BOW Specialty 2
Lon-Du Ven-Mar Peter O'Toole - OWNER: Arlon D Duit & Vincent A Fleece

RWD Specialty 2
Prima Peterson - Owner/Handler, Barbara Streemke

RWB & BOSSwps Specialty 2
Fur-Bee's Guilty Pleasure - Owner/Handler, Ted Lee

BISwps Specialty 2
Prima Peterson - owner, Barbara Streemke

It was great seeing members, NEW EXHIBITORS, and familiar competitors.
Thank you all for joining us in Bloomington. 

Friday Results       Monday Results